Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blog Title

Well, I don't really have much to say. I'm just working right now at Mac and Bones. Which, for those of you who don't know, it's a miniature golf course. There have been 0 people here today and I thought we had a group coming, but that's actually scheduled for tomorrow. My bad. I've been playing minesweeper all day, which has been pissing me off because I have yet to win the big one! I have seriously been trying for the past two days. 

Earlier, the owner's daughter and the general manager's daughter were here. They're cute. They're four and seven. Hanging out with them was the highlight of my day. 

I'm very hungry. I started this diet today, so all I've had is a slim fast, sour cream and cheddar chips (I couldn't take it anymore. They were just staring at me), and water. I need a salad or something. I would drink the other slim fast one I brought but I really want some food. I can either have grilled chicken or a salad. A salad sounds good. I'll probably end up getting chicken from KFC. 

This is the most boring blog I've ever written so I'm sorry about that. 

GOOD NEWS: I'm going to Oxford in two week and I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!  Some of my friends are still there so I'm VERY excited to see them. I'm pretty much ready to go back to school. I don't really like working all the time and then still not having any money. It's aggravating. 

MORE GOOD NEWS: I feel as thought my foot is completely heeled. For those of you who didn't know, I fell down some stairs at Ole Miss and cracked the fifth metatarsal in my right foot. I had to wear a boot for a while. I've been out of the boot for about a week and a half now. It was still hurting some but today I can report that there is no pain at all. The bone is a little sore if I push on it but I'm not gonna push on it so we're all good .

Well, I guess that's all for now. I literally have nothing else to talk about. 

Lots of Love,

Taylor Dunn

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Okay so tonight I was working and there were two guys and girl at the table i was sent to wait on. I went over and I noticed that the girl was wearing a shirt that said she was a 2008 graduate. I thought that was interesting because I graduated the same year. Anyway when I took their order, she started talking like a baby.

What the hell?!? I HATE THAT!!!!! You are 21, maybe 22 years old, and you're freakin talking like a baby.

Later on in their dining experience I went back over there and her boyfriend asked for some Louisiana Hot Sauce and I said, "all we have is Tabasco, is that alight?" He then looks at her and she shakes her head yes. This really got me heated because the girl can't even ask for her own shit. Later on I went over there to ask if everything was alright and she was staring at me with this stank face because I think she thought I was flirting with her boyfriend. Girl must be out of her mind. All that was said between us was...

Me: "Is everything alright?"
Guy: "Do you still not have any alligator?"
Me: "No."
Guy: "We should go get it out of that lake over there?"
Me: "That's illegal."

Girls these days. Makes me wanna slap a ho. 

When I gave them their checks he asked if I could get her a to go Dr. Pepper. She still doesn't know how to ask for her own stuff. But, I was nice and said of course with a smile on my face.

They didn't tip me.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

To smell or to itch? That is the question.

Alright. Thanks to genetics I am allergic to anti-perspirent deodorant. I'm gonna tell you how much that sucks. It sucks a lot.

Some might say, "Oh, just get regular deodorant." To that I say, it doesn't work. Therefore, I start smelling. It's a hard situation to be in because nobody likes to smell. So, I decide I'll just wear anti-perspirant deodorant. But then I itch and get a huge ass rash on my arm pit.

What do I do? It's a constant struggle between do I wanna itch or do I wanna smell. For now, I'm itching. Tomorrow, I'll probably smell. So, the next time you put on your deodorant take a minute to be thankful. It's the little things in life people take for granted.

Lots of love,

Taylor Dunn