Saturday, June 2, 2012

To smell or to itch? That is the question.

Alright. Thanks to genetics I am allergic to anti-perspirent deodorant. I'm gonna tell you how much that sucks. It sucks a lot.

Some might say, "Oh, just get regular deodorant." To that I say, it doesn't work. Therefore, I start smelling. It's a hard situation to be in because nobody likes to smell. So, I decide I'll just wear anti-perspirant deodorant. But then I itch and get a huge ass rash on my arm pit.

What do I do? It's a constant struggle between do I wanna itch or do I wanna smell. For now, I'm itching. Tomorrow, I'll probably smell. So, the next time you put on your deodorant take a minute to be thankful. It's the little things in life people take for granted.

Lots of love,

Taylor Dunn

1 comment:

  1. I am quite possibly in the same boat you are. I itch. I also end up smelling too. We live in MS - nothing is gonna stop us from sweating either. :)
